One thing we can be sure of in life is that change is inevitable. How we react to changes in our circumstance matters. If we embrace a change it can create increased awareness and curiosity. Alternatively, change can cause us to become frustrated, angry, and stuck unable to move forward. Even small changes have the potential to throw us off balance.
Life will continue to give us both small and large changes of circumstance to deal with. We can be aware of our responses and give ourselves compassion when the changes are unwelcome. Part of being who we are is living through the struggles presented to us in our lives. We are not alone in having to deal with them and that can be comforting to know. Practicing how we deal with change when it arises can help us become open to action and build strategies as needed.
Perhaps you are currently facing two courses of action, that inevitable ‘fork in the road’ or ‘sliding door moment’. Do you continue on your current path or take the opportunity to take a new direction? When this occurs, it is wise to take time out to investigate the inevitable tug-a-war the possibility of a change brings. Here is a framework for inquiry based on ‘The Great Work of Your Life – A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling’ by Stephen Cope.
- Ask for guidance about the change. This might be a spiritual quest e.g. prayer or naming the change – saying our plans out loud. It may be helpful to create a vision board of images and words that reflect where you are now and where you would like to be.
- Actively listen to the response. – Yes, this feels right. I am excited about this new path. What emotions emerge as we ‘name’ the change.
- When the response is positive check it with reality. Speak to others about your possible plans – those directly impacted by the change and people you trust. Test their guidance under ongoing scrutiny of your plan. Are there concerns or negative reactions from others? Are these valid or based on fear or dependency? Can these concerns be addressed?
- Once you get clarity that this change looks positive, wait to act. Important decisions cannot be hurried. Slow down the action and investigate this new path deliberately and relentlessly. Vision the change. Does it serve everyone directly affected by the decision.
- Ask for courage to act. You may find you don’t have the courage to make the change at this time. You can focus on developing the willingness to act. Saying yes to the possibility.
- Let go of the sense of risk and the need to eliminate risk from your decisions and the consequent actions. Identifying risk is only an indication that you are at an important crossroad. Attempting to eliminate risk can lead to paralysis of action. We never get 100% certainty in moving forward.
- Move forward methodically. Begin to take actions that support your choice of a new pathway in life. This is critical for keeping the process moving. Seek advice and guidance as you act. Feel intuitively the doors opening toward your new path.
- Let go of the outcome. Don’t cling to expectations of how the change will evolve. There is no measure of success or failure. You are embarking on a new adventure.
The hardest work comes in getting to the decision. Once made it’s as if invisible tracks roll the decision into action. Opportunities arise with some ease. Solutions become apparent. Moving through each step allows the chance to test the validity of the direction you are taking. Asking along the way the question – Is this right for me?