I noticed someone new at my exercise class this morning. She had come because she’d been looking to recommence yoga after a two year hiatus. This morning’s class format includes yoga poses. It also incorporates slow dance movements, stretches and mindfulness all set to beautiful music.
As we settled into the class with our instructor, I could see her mentally trying to process the sequence of movements. While I could sense her awkwardness with the unfamiliar her concentration was strong. She also had wonderful flexibility which was probably a result of her natural affinity with yoga.
At the end of the class, she rushed fairly quickly away with her friend. We wondered whether perhaps she hadn’t found it right for her. We weren’t sure we would see her again.
A coffee catch up after class had been arranged nearby. As I arrived I noticed she was already sitting with her friend. I sat down beside her eager to know what it was about yoga that had attracted her to our class. Did she enjoy the more physical aspects or was it the slower mindfulness and inner focus that she was yearning for? Were there certain constraints on her lifestyle that would narrow down her search for a particular time and class to suit?
I understood her attraction to yoga as I had practiced on and off at different times in my life. I loved how yoga would focus my breath on the present moment, taking me out of my mind’s constant chatter and stretch my sore and constricted muscles. We began to converse in a steady flow of conversation.
And then the beautiful penny dropped. She had begun to practice yoga in her fifties as a way to help her with the grief of losing her youngest son. Her beautiful teenage boy. From this disclosure came a conversation about her life. The places she had previously lived. About her motherhood journey and her life now in the countryside.
I asked her what her son’s name was and she immediately opened her phone to show me her home screen. There was a picture of a handsome young man. The son she had been speaking about. She passed the phone around to show us. We acknowledged the bittersweetness of this moment.
Our conversation continued as a group. Talking about the beginnings, messy and busy middle part of motherhood and the time beyond as our children found their partners and some had become parents themselves. Sharing whether we even wanted to be mothers at all in the beginning. Identifying the joys we’ve found. Discussing how much modern motherhood has changed from our own experience. Such a wonderful conversation that seemed timeless and authentic.
“Sometimes what you’re looking for comes when you’re not looking at all.”
As I reflected on the morning, I realized the power of our connection. We had created an informal women’s Circle. Sitting with our coffees and sharing our lives and things we had in common. Listening to each other’s journey and supporting and acknowledging the struggles we’ve endured along the way. An unexpected, yet heart-warming outcome of our morning together.
Sometimes something new piques our interest. We are drawn to an activity. It’s either completely new or reminds us of a previous way we have engaged with life. I’m so grateful this lovely lady walked into our exercise class this morning. She came looking for something. Something she remembered she had craved from the past. While the activity may not have been exactly right. I hope she did actually find what she was looking for. That gentle release of the body through dance and movement and also perhaps a new group of women in her life.